Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash
Away with the Faeries
Spring is coming and with it a new sense of hope, of playfulness and possibility. Join us to sing songs under the full moonlight that tell of otherworldliness, of coral-made bones, rich and strange, of journeys through water. Together we will make a zoom-singing and visual performance with mythology, songs and the promise of adventures beyond our knowing.
We’re very excited to have the marvelous storyteller and author Malcolm Green of A Bit Crack working with us on this project. Malcolm will weave stories through the performance drawing from his beautiful book, Northumbrian Folk Tales.
So if you’re a crafter, a dab hand with torches, lights, special effects or have your children’s (or your own) dressing up box to raid, want to play about with your zoom filters and backgrounds, have hidden (or not so hidden talents) like puppetry, mask or costume design and want to explore new ways of creating singing performances on zoom and possibly with some live elements in a room (optional and dependent on advice and restrictions at that point)…then this is a project for you!
(Here’s a link to last term’s performance created by all involved and featuring the marvellous story teller Malcolm Green. Click Here for Hearth Songs You Tube Performance)
Everybody is welcome to join us this term whether you feel ‘new’ to singing and are looking for something new for 2021, or are a regular zoom singer. This is a friendly and collaborative group looking to enjoy singing together and to have fun whilst creating a brand new performance. You don’t need to read music and we teach a lot ‘by ear’. We do have music scores for those who prefer to have them and we also create audio recordings of the songs so you can sing along at home to help you learn them. You don’t need to have any previous zoom or technical experience, we can help with that too. Feel free to give the project a try to see if it’s for you…we hope it will be and are looking forward to seeing and singing with you.
Bex Mather and Sharon Durant are excited to embark on this adventure with you, with special visits from Dave Camlin and Katherine Zeserson. Wednesday evenings 7-8:30pm on Zoom
There is a private resources page containing links to scores and rehearsal MP3s to help you learn the songs. Once you’ve registered, we’ll send you a password to access the pages - if you don't know what the password is or have forgotten it, drop us a line at and we can help get you sorted.
Fees for the project are on a sliding scale, depending on your circumstances. Ideally singers would pay for the whole term in advance (11 sessions) getting a substantial discount!
£7 working full-time (£66 for the term)
£5.50 retired / working part-time (£52 for the term)
£2.50 in receipt of benefits (£24 for the term)
£negotiable if you're facing financial hardship because of the current crisis (see below)
Don't let cost be a barrier - especially if you need some flexibility because of your current situation, please drop us a line at to let us know how we can help - we're happy to accept instalments or offer sessions for free until you're back on your feet. Some of us are part of the 3 million taxpayers excluded from government support, so we appreciate the challenges some people are currently facing.
How to Pay
Pay by BACS to 'Harmony Associates' Co-op Bank account: Sort Code 08-92-99 Account No. 65559790.
PLEASE use your NAME and FAERIES in your payment reference so we know who it's from and what it’s for
(and also send us an email to say you've paid so we can check we've received it ok).
Pay via the widget (click on the picture below) if you prefer: